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Fight the invisible injury called “Depression” Part II

A wide range of circumstances affect our behaviour, mood, and thinking pattern often leading to depression and anxiety. There is a social stigma around the words, “Depression, and Mental Health.” No one wants to talk about it. Even if some people may want to talk about or on these issues are ridiculed. Thus, leaving you with constant pain and denial. But the way you share all your illness, this is something, that you shouldn’t be ashamed of. Depression can hunt anybody irrespective of any criteria, without even leaving a space for others to identify. If you happen to ask me- What depression looks like? I would say, it looks very much like you and me.

Understanding and communicating with yourself is the first step in detecting this invisible enemy. This is something that is not very easy to recognize and can go on for months and sometimes years if left unattended and can prove fatal. It is important to seek help and support as early as possible and at the same time pay attention to people seeking help and in need. A person with depression face troubles getting grip with daily stress. Such scuffle can be a primary aspect for a person feeling vulnerable. There are a lot of myths around depression, the necessity of knowing what depression is but it is equally important to know what depression is not.

Simple short time sadness is not depression but feeling profoundly bad constantly for longer duration struggling with routine activity is depression. Being weak and behaving lazy is not depression. A person with depression puts extra effort just to accomplish daily routine tasks. Depression is not an endless journey, victims of depression can feel downhearted about recovery, but the fact is depression is curable. A good therapist after assessing the person considering the cause and several other factors to decide on which type of therapy will suit best for recovery.

Therapy treatments help victims changing their thinking patterns enhancing mental strength. Gradually this process develops a sense of ease in the mind of a person suffering from depression escalating the power of mind to tackle the daily stress and boost morale. As therapies rely on trust and emotional support it helps in gaining a better understanding of themselves, improving relationships. Supporting a person with depression can be difficult as the person may not accept comfort. Therapy teaches you to focus on the present, rerouting your thoughts towards all the positive happenings. Therapy gives a new outlook at solving problems and help move towards a solution.

Having someone to talk to without being judged is the greatest blessing in these unpleasant times. It is necessary to have someone you can open to and share your thoughts and worries. If you happen to be at the giving end, encourage them to talk and seek out appropriate help. Make them aware of the feeling that you totally understand if they don’t want to converse yet. They may behave in a way that may seem out of character, try reassuring them. Do not blame them for this behaviour and don’t take it personally. Recovering can take a lot of time, as this is an on-going battle for some, have patience. What they currently need is time and love, show them that you care, spend time with them. Depressed people don’t need sympathy, allow them their space and time and keep checking on them regularly.

You might have your own doubts that the therapy may or may not help. Yes, depression can make you feel helpless and to overcome this you need to reassure yourself and have trust in people you can open to without being judged and talk to them about how you feel. When you show faith in your people or therapist, they need to assure you with maintaining confidentiality. Although therapy is very effective without any side effects, cultivating social connections keeps you more protected. Appealing for help won’t emerge you as a weak person or burden to others. Therapies take time it’s a gradual but very effective process with success ratio of a very high percentage.

Do share your coping mechanism and thoughts on how you managed to fight with depression, be an inspiration for others dealing with depression. We will be more than glad to help you further. Remember, it takes an army to win battles, we will together have to fight this invisible injury and all therapists assure the confidentiality of their patients. Talking helps in easing out the pain and burden. Share and spread awareness.


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